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Cheek Clappers

Sep 18, 2020

Clappers is back. We talk about a lot on this one including home invasions, the AIDS virus and the time we did acid with a family member. Strap in because it's a banger.

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Sep 14, 2020

We start out this episode by slapping some positivity into ourselves. After that we hear a very strange trip report and then have an extremely awkward conversation about cockroaches.

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Sep 10, 2020

This one takes a while to get going because we wrecked our brains with phenibut but after a while we talk about some good stuff including the time a mentally challenged person threw duck at Tara, Eric Clapton's racist rant and awful parenting.

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Sep 7, 2020

On this one we talk about squirting phenibut up our arses, The Frosties Kid and cuckery. We also share some recipes and celebrate Cheek Clappers reaching a million subscribers.

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